Episode 798

Navigating Worship: The Importance of Every Voice | EP 798

This episode underscores the significance of inclusivity within the context of worship as articulated in 1 Corinthians 14:26-40. We explore the notion that every participant in a worship gathering is encouraged to contribute something beneficial for the collective benefit of the community. The discourse acknowledges the historical limitations placed upon women's roles in biblical times while simultaneously celebrating the voices and leadership of all individuals, irrespective of gender, in contemporary worship. A salient point of reflection is the distinction between harmony and uniformity; true harmony arises from a rich tapestry of diverse contributions rather than the suppression of voices. As we conclude, we propose a practical action step aimed at amplifying marginalized perspectives within our faith communities, thereby fostering an environment where every voice is heard and valued.

The "Daily Bible Refresh" is presented each day by Rev. Dr. Brad Miller who has a goal of speaking a bit of the bible into two million ears (one million people) in three years (2025-2028).

He is the author of "The A, B, C-1,2,3 Bible Study Guide" Free to you by clicking HERE.

Brad served as a local church pastor for forty years and has a background in radio and podcasting. Moreover, he is a life-long student of The Bible.

He believes in the words of Jesus that “scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21)

The "Daily Bible Refresh" is available seven days a week by 6:00 am ET. The episodes are no longer than ten minutes long and are...

  • Understandable: A reading from the New Testament (usually the Gospel) selected from the Revised Common Lectionary using "The Message" translation.
  • Relatable: You will have a couple of "points to ponder" from the text which will relate to your life
  • Applicable: Every episode includes a way you can take action based on the reading
  • A recommended resource to help you go deeper in biblical study and spiritual direction.
  • A prayer for your day.
A companion resource to the Voice of God Daily Podcast is the “ABC Bible Study Guide” available by clicking HERE.

The "Daily Bible Refresh" is available every day at VoiceofGodDaily.com on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and all major podcast directories.

You can help Dr. Brad attain his goal of getting a bit of the bible into two million ears by subscribing to "Daily Bible Refresh" on Apple Podcasts, leaving a five-star rating, and writing a review. More importantly please share with your network of family and friends about the "Daily Bible Refresh".

Please make listening to the "Daily Bible Refresh" a part of your daily life.

Remember… “All scripture is God-breathed and useful”(2 Timothy 3:16)

This episode provides an insightful examination of the principles encapsulated in 1 Corinthians 14:26-40, with a particular focus on the dynamics of worship and participation within a faith community. We delve into the scriptural mandate that encourages each member to come prepared to contribute something beneficial to the collective worship experience. This preparation is essential, as it not only enriches the worship but also fosters a sense of accountability among congregants. We articulate that the contributions may take various forms – from teaching and storytelling to leading prayers and offering insights – all of which serve to enhance the spiritual nourishment of the assembly.

The dialogue further explores the delicate balance between individual expression and communal harmony, emphasizing that authentic worship is characterized by the inclusion of diverse voices. The episode posits that Paul's call for order should not be misconstrued as a demand for uniformity; rather, it is an encouragement to create an environment where all participants can exercise their gifts in a respectful manner. This notion of harmony is pivotal, as it underscores the importance of listening and valuing each person's input in the worship setting, thereby fostering a culture of mutual respect and cooperation.

In our concluding reflections, we challenge our audience to consider the marginalized voices within their communities and to take actionable steps towards amplifying these perspectives. By doing so, we can cultivate a more inclusive and enriching worship experience that aligns with the transformative spirit of the Scriptures. We invite listeners to engage in prayer, seeking divine guidance in their efforts to build communities that reflect the principles of love and inclusivity espoused in the biblical text.


  • The podcast emphasizes the importance of preparation and contribution in communal worship settings.
  • Listeners are encouraged to consider the cultural context of biblical passages regarding gender roles.
  • There is a call for harmony in worship that embraces diverse voices rather than enforcing uniformity.
  • The episode promotes the idea that authentic worship requires active participation from all members present.
  • Listeners are urged to amplify marginalized voices within their faith communities to foster inclusivity.
  • The podcast concludes with a reminder of God's unwavering love and the renewal it brings each day.

Links referenced in this episode:

Speaker A:

Foreign hello good people.

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Welcome to Daily Bible Refresh with Dr.

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Brad Miller brought to you by Voice of God Daily.

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We come to you every day with a reading of the Holy Scriptures.

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We utilize the Revised Common Lectionary which is three year cycle to read through the entire Bible.

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We're in year C in the Epiphany season.

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We read the Bible in a way that is understandable.

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We read just the New Testament lesson only in the message translation.

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We offer you a couple of points to ponder and applicable and we give you an action step.

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We have a prayer and we do all of that in under 10 minutes.

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Speaker A:

When you gather for worship, each one of you is to be prepared with something that will be useful for all.

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Sing a hymn.

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Teach a lesson.

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Tell a story.

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Lead a prayer.

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Provide an insight.

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If prayers are offered in tongues, two or three is the limit, and then only if someone is present who can interpret what is saying.

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Otherwise, keep it between God and yourself and no more than two or three speakers at a meeting with the rest of you listening and taking it to heart, take your turn.

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No one person is taking over.

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Then each speaker gets a chance to say something special from God and you all learn from each other.

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If you choose to speak, you're also responsible for how and when you speak.

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When we worship the right way, God doesn't stir us up into confusion.

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He brings us into harmony.

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This goes for all the churches.

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No exceptions.

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Wise must not disrupt worship talking when they should.

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Listening, asking questions that could be more appropriately asked by their husbands at home.

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God's Book of the Law guides our manners and customs.

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Here, wives have no license to use the time of worship for unwarranted speaking.

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Do you, both women and men, imagine that you're a sacred oracle determining what's right and wrong?

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Do you think everything revolves around you?

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If any one of you thinks God has something for you to say or has inspired you to do something, pay close attention to what I have written.

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This is the way the Master wants it.

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If you won't play by these rules, God can't use you.

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Three things then to sum this up.

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When you speak forth God's truth, speak your heart out.

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Don't tell people how they should or shouldn't pray when they're praying in tongues that you don't understand.

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Be courteous and considerate in everything.

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A profound and interesting lesson.

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st Corinthians:

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It's all about helps us to think deeply about matters of power and inclusion and authentic worship.

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Here's a few points to ponder.

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Let's provide a contextual understanding that is this passage reflects the cultural limitations of this time in biblical times, particularly regarding women's roles as progressive Christians.

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We must acknowledge that Scripture often carries both eternal wisdom and time bound cultural assumptions.

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Paul's words about women's silence reflect first century patriarchal culture, not a divine mandate.

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Today we celebrate the voices and leadership of people of all genders, men and women, in worship and ministry.

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Another point is sacred disruption.

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While Paul seeks to create order, notice that he begins by affirming that everyone has something to contribute.

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Each one of you is prepared for something that is useful for all, he says.

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This radical inclusivity suggests that authentic worship should amplify diverse voices and experiences, even when it challenges traditional power structures.

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A third point is harmony versus Uniformity.

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Paul's concern for harmony shouldn't be confused with a demand for uniformity.

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The text describes a vibrant participatory worship where many voices contribute through different gifts.

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True harmony comes not from silencing voices, but from creating space where all can share their gifts respectfully.

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Here's your action step for the day.

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Identify a voice or perspective that has been marginalized in your faith community and take some concrete step to amplify that voice.

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That might mean stepping back to create a space for that voice to be heard.

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Or if you are typically a one who's in a position of power, maybe stepping back from that position of power to share that gift.

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Or let someone else step forward who may have felt somehow suppressed or silenced.

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Consider organizing a gathering where multiple voices can share their experience of faith and justice.

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Several things to think about today.

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m, our gift to you is the ABC:

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It's a simple process that you can utilize in your life in your home to make your Bible study as straightforward as ABC 12 3.

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You'll find it at Voice of God daily, along with the transcripts and the episodes of close to 800 episodes of the daily Bible Refresh.

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Let's pray.

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Oh God, you are the divine source of all voices.

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We confess.

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We often use Scripture to silence rather than to amplify to exclude rather than embrace.

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Help us to hear the voices that have been muted including our own when we've been told to be quiet.

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Grant us wisdom to know when to speak and when to listen, when to step forward and when to create space for others.

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Guidance in creating communities where harmony doesn't mean sameness or for order doesn't mean oppression where worship means everyone has a voice and the spirit of liberating love.

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Speaker A:

Well it's always a joy to be with you here on the Daily Bible Refresh with Dr.

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Brad Miller.

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It just hope that you would join me again tomorrow and bring a friend this time.

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We gather almost every day.

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We drop our episodes before 6am each Eastern Time and we would love to have you with us to join this community of folks who are reading the Bible every day.

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Until then until tomorrow.

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Remember that God's loyal love doesn't run out.

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His merciful love hasn't the dried up it's created new every morning.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Daily Bible Refresh
Daily Bible Refresh
The New Testament Read Daily: Understandable, Relatable and Applicable

About your host

Profile picture for Dr. Brad Miller

Dr. Brad Miller

Rev. Dr. Brad Miller is a lifelong student of the bible as well as a pastor and radio/podcast host for over 40 years. He believes that the Voice of God does speak to people through consistent listening to the word of God through the audible reading of the bible.

Your Gift to The Daily Bible Refresh

The Daily Bible Refresh is provided FREE of charge to all who seek a daily dose of the word of God directly from the Holy Bible. Your gift supports Dr. Brad Miller's mission of speaking the audible word of the Holy Bible into 2 Million Ears by 2028. The suggested minimum gift is $5.00. A tithe of 10% of your gift will go directly to Urban Ministries in Indianapolis, Indiana USA.
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