Episode 810

Navigating Conflict: A Practical Approach to Peaceful Resolution | 810

This episode elucidates the importance of practical wisdom for the peaceful resolution of conflicts, drawing from Luke chapter 12, verses 57 through 59. We are invited to consider the radical notion of direct reconciliation as a means to dismantle the systems of conflict that pervade our lives. Through Jesus's teachings, we recognize that common sense is not only valid but is a form of sacred wisdom, challenging the hierarchical structures that often obscure genuine spiritual insight. We explore the significance of prioritizing prevention over punishment, advocating for restorative justice and community-based solutions that foster healing and understanding. In our concluding action step, we encourage listeners to identify and address areas of conflict in their lives, promoting the pursuit of mutual understanding and resolution as a vital practice for personal and communal well-being.

The "Daily Bible Refresh" is presented each day by Rev. Dr. Brad Miller who has a goal of speaking a bit of the bible into two million ears (one million people) in three years (2025-2028).

He is the author of "The A, B, C-1,2,3 Bible Study Guide" Free to you by clicking HERE.

Brad served as a local church pastor for forty years and has a background in radio and podcasting. Moreover, he is a life-long student of The Bible.

He believes in the words of Jesus that “scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21)

The "Daily Bible Refresh" is available seven days a week by 6:00 am ET. The episodes are no longer than ten minutes long and are...

  • Understandable: A reading from the New Testament (usually the Gospel) selected from the Revised Common Lectionary using "The Message" translation.
  • Relatable: You will have a couple of "points to ponder" from the text which will relate to your life
  • Applicable: Every episode includes a way you can take action based on the reading
  • A recommended resource to help you go deeper in biblical study and spiritual direction.
  • A prayer for your day.
A companion resource to the Voice of God Daily Podcast is the “ABC Bible Study Guide” available by clicking HERE.

The "Daily Bible Refresh" is available every day at VoiceofGodDaily.com on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and all major podcast directories.

You can help Dr. Brad attain his goal of getting a bit of the bible into two million ears by subscribing to "Daily Bible Refresh" on Apple Podcasts, leaving a five-star rating, and writing a review. More importantly please share with your network of family and friends about the "Daily Bible Refresh".

Please make listening to the "Daily Bible Refresh" a part of your daily life.

Remember… “All scripture is God-breathed and useful”(2 Timothy 3:16)

The discourse elucidates the profound teachings encapsulated within Luke 12:57-59, delving into the intricate dynamics of conflict resolution as articulated by Jesus. The speaker articulates a compelling narrative that underscores the necessity of proactive engagement in interpersonal disputes, advocating for reconciliation prior to the escalation of grievances. This approach is not merely pragmatic but embodies a radical departure from societal norms that often prioritize adversarial postures over collaborative dialogue. The emphasis on common sense as a form of sacred wisdom challenges conventional religious paradigms, positing that divine insight is frequently accessible through the lens of daily experiences and practical reasoning. This perspective invites listeners to embrace a more egalitarian understanding of spiritual guidance, one that is rooted in the ordinariness of human interactions.

Furthermore, the episode invites contemplation on the broader implications of the teachings presented. It posits that the act of seeking resolution is not solely an individual endeavor but a collective responsibility that transcends personal relationships, extending into societal structures beset by systemic injustices. The speaker articulates a vision of restorative justice, advocating for solutions that prioritize healing and mutual understanding over punitive measures. This aligns with contemporary movements that seek to transform conflict resolution practices, emphasizing the importance of preventative measures and community engagement in fostering harmony. Ultimately, the episode serves as both a reflection and a call to action, urging listeners to identify areas of conflict in their own lives and to approach them with a spirit of reconciliation and peace.


  • The podcast emphasizes the importance of addressing conflicts directly and promptly, advocating for reconciliation rather than avoidance.
  • It highlights that common sense is validated as a form of sacred wisdom, challenging traditional hierarchical views of spirituality.
  • Listeners are encouraged to adopt preventative measures rather than punitive responses to conflicts, prioritizing healing and understanding.
  • The action step provided urges individuals to confront an area of tension in their lives, promoting proactive engagement over passive avoidance.
  • Jesus' teachings illustrate that practical wisdom can guide personal interactions, thereby dismantling systemic conflicts that perpetuate division.
  • The Daily Bible Refresh underscores the significance of consistent engagement with scripture as a means to foster spiritual growth and understanding.

Links referenced in this episode:

Companies mentioned in this episode:

  • voiceofgod daily.com
  • ABC 1, 2, 3 Bible Study Guide
Speaker A:

Practical Wisdom for Peaceful Resolution A study based on Luke chapter 12, verses 57 through 59 on the Daily Bible refresh with Dr.

Speaker A:

Brad Miller and hello good people.

Speaker A:

Welcome to Daily Bible Refresh with Dr.

Speaker A:

Brad Miller.

Speaker A:

That's me.

Speaker A:

Pleased to be with you to offer a daily reading of the New Testament which is based on the Revised Common Lectionary where you're see the Epiphany season.

Speaker A:

This is the selected verse for this very day.

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We bring it to you.

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This reading is brought to you in an understandable way and that is the New Testament reading from the Message version of the Bible.

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Speaker A:

We offer you a couple of points, points to ponder, to think about.

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Applicable we give you an action step.

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We have a prayer.

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We do it all in under 10 minutes.

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It's all brought to you by voiceofgod daily.com the home of the ABC 1, 2, 3 Bible Study Guide.

Speaker A:

Here's our reading tip for today From Luke chapter 12, verses 57 through 59 Reading from the message.

Speaker A:

You don't have to be a genius to understand these things.

Speaker A:

Just use your common sense.

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The kind you'd use if, while being taken to court, you decided to settle up with your accuser on the way, knowing that if the case went to the judge, you'd probably go to jail and pay every last penny of the fine.

Speaker A:

That's the kind of decision I'm asking you to make.

Speaker A:

A short but powerful reading for this very day.

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And in this powerful message, Jesus uses a practical example to teach about reconciliation, justice, and the wisdom of addressing conflicts early and directly.

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Let's talk about a few points to ponder the radical nature of direct resolution.

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Jesus teaching here isn't just about avoiding legal troubles.

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It's about dismantling systems of conflict that keep us separated from one another.

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In an age where polarization profits many institutions and ways of life, choosing direct dialogue and reconciliation becomes a radical act.

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This applies to everything from personal relationships to systematic injustice.

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Point number two Common sense as sacred wisdom.

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Notice how Jesus validates everyday wisdom and common sense as legitimate spiritual guidance.

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This challenges hierarchical religious structures that insist on gatekeeping divine wisdom.

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Progressive Christianity recognizes that sacred insight often comes through ordinary experience and practical knowledge, not just some traditional religious authority.

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One more point, Prevention over punishment.

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This parable suggests addressing issues before they require institutional intervention.

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In our current context, this speaks to restorative justice practices, conflict transformation, and community based solutions rather than punitive systems.

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It's a model that prioritizes healing over punishment, relationship over retribution.

Speaker A:

Here's your action step for the day Identify some area of conflict or tension in your life.

Speaker A:

It may be personal or professional or some social setting that you've been avoiding.

Speaker A:

Make a concrete plan to address it directly and peacefully before it escalates.

Speaker A:

This might mean having a difficult conversation or maybe even involved with some formal mediation effort or taking some practical steps towards reconciliation.

Speaker A:

Remember, the goal isn't winning, but finding a path towards some mutual understanding and resolution.

Speaker A:

We're going to pray in just a minute here, but I always want to remind you that we have a great resource here for you here at the Daily Bible Refresh.

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You can find it at our website, which is voiceofgoddaily.com and the resource is called the ABC 1, 2, 3 Bible Study Guide.

Speaker A:

Now you get a both your daily lectionary reading here, a daily Bible refresh.

Speaker A:

But you need to get in the Scriptures on your own and this will help you do that in a very systematic way.

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ABC 1, 2, 3.

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You could find it voiceofgoddaily.com along with our back catalog of 810 episodes now of the Daily Bible Refresh.

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Let's pray.

Speaker A:

Oh God, you are the author of all divine wisdom and you speak just through common sense and everyday experience.

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Yet we often complicate the simple and avoid the obvious.

Speaker A:

Give us courage to face our conflicts directly, to seek resolution before resentment grows, to choose conversation over confrontation when we're tempted to let pride or fear guide our actions.

Speaker A:

Remind us that peacemaking is holy work.

Speaker A:

Help us trust in the simple wisdom of reaching out, speaking up and choosing reconciliation over righteous isolation.

Speaker A:

Grant us the clarity to see and the bravery to act.

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Because before walls get too high and bridges burn too low, in hope and in peace.

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Speaker A:

Well, it's always a joy and privilege to be with you here every day here on Daily Bible Refresh.

Speaker A:

This is episode number 810.

Speaker A:

We'll be with you again tomorrow for episode number 811.

Speaker A:

Really want you to join me.

Speaker A:

My name is Dr.

Speaker A:

Brad Miller.

Speaker A:

I'll see you again tomorrow.

Speaker A:

Bring a friend.

Speaker A:

And until then, remember that God's loyal love doesn't run out.

Speaker A:

His merciful love hasn't dried up, it's created new.

Speaker A:

Every morning Sa.

About the Podcast

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Daily Bible Refresh
The New Testament Read Daily: Understandable, Relatable and Applicable

About your host

Profile picture for Dr. Brad Miller

Dr. Brad Miller

Rev. Dr. Brad Miller is a lifelong student of the bible as well as a pastor and radio/podcast host for over 40 years. He believes that the Voice of God does speak to people through consistent listening to the word of God through the audible reading of the bible.

Your Gift to The Daily Bible Refresh

The Daily Bible Refresh is provided FREE of charge to all who seek a daily dose of the word of God directly from the Holy Bible. Your gift supports Dr. Brad Miller's mission of speaking the audible word of the Holy Bible into 2 Million Ears by 2028. The suggested minimum gift is $5.00. A tithe of 10% of your gift will go directly to Urban Ministries in Indianapolis, Indiana USA.
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