Episode 815

Exploring the Healing Power of Faith in Acts 3 | 815

The primary focus of this discourse is the profound message found in Acts 3:11, 16, which emphasizes the necessity of collective healing and communal responsibility. We delve into the narrative where Peter and John facilitate a miraculous healing, thereby illustrating the essential role of community in the process of restoration. This episode underscores the significance of recognizing our interconnectedness, suggesting that individual healing is inextricably linked to the wellness of the community at large. Additionally, we examine the dynamics of power, urging individuals in positions of influence to redirect their focus away from personal accolades towards fostering justice and liberation for marginalized voices. Through thoughtful reflection and actionable steps, we aim to inspire our listeners to engage in transformative practices that promote equity and wholeness within their communities.

The "Daily Bible Refresh" is presented each day by Rev. Dr. Brad Miller who has a goal of speaking a bit of the bible into two million ears (one million people) in three years (2025-2028).

He is the author of "The A, B, C-1,2,3 Bible Study Guide" Free to you by clicking HERE.

Brad served as a local church pastor for forty years and has a background in radio and podcasting. Moreover, he is a life-long student of The Bible.

He believes in the words of Jesus that “scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21)

The "Daily Bible Refresh" is available seven days a week by 6:00 am ET. The episodes are no longer than ten minutes long and are...

  • Understandable: A reading from the New Testament (usually the Gospel) selected from the Revised Common Lectionary using "The Message" translation.
  • Relatable: You will have a couple of "points to ponder" from the text which will relate to your life
  • Applicable: Every episode includes a way you can take action based on the reading
  • A recommended resource to help you go deeper in biblical study and spiritual direction.
  • A prayer for your day.
A companion resource to the Voice of God Daily Podcast is the “ABC Bible Study Guide” available by clicking HERE.

The "Daily Bible Refresh" is available every day at VoiceofGodDaily.com on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and all major podcast directories.

You can help Dr. Brad attain his goal of getting a bit of the bible into two million ears by subscribing to "Daily Bible Refresh" on Apple Podcasts, leaving a five-star rating, and writing a review. More importantly please share with your network of family and friends about the "Daily Bible Refresh".

Please make listening to the "Daily Bible Refresh" a part of your daily life.

Remember… “All scripture is God-breathed and useful”(2 Timothy 3:16)

The discourse presented in this episode delves profoundly into Acts 3:11-16, articulating the pivotal moment of healing that occurs through the agency of Peter and John. This narrative not only recounts a miraculous event but also serves as a catalyst for a broader conversation about collective responsibility and the nature of healing within a community context. The speaker, Dr. Brad Miller, emphasizes the significance of addressing contemporary issues of justice and communal healing, drawing parallels between the biblical account and modern societal challenges. He posits that true healing transcends individual experiences; it necessitates a collective acknowledgment of our interconnectedness and shared responsibility in fostering an environment conducive to restoration and wholeness.

Moreover, the episode meticulously examines the dynamics of power and privilege, as illustrated by Peter's immediate redirection of credit away from himself and John. This act exemplifies a profound lesson in humility and the ethical use of influence, urging listeners to reflect on their own positions within societal structures. By highlighting the importance of allyship, Dr. Miller invites us to consider how we might leverage our privileges not for self-aggrandizement but to elevate the voices of the marginalized and contribute to systemic change.

The discussion culminates in actionable insights, encouraging listeners to engage in self-reflection regarding their roles in perpetuating or dismantling oppressive systems. Dr. Miller's call to action serves not only as a spiritual guide but as a moral imperative for individuals seeking to actively participate in the healing of their communities, thereby embodying the essence of collective liberation as articulated in the healing narrative of Acts.


  • The act of healing, as described in Acts 3, occurs within a communal context, underscoring the significance of collective transformation.
  • Peter's address to the people emphasizes the importance of redirecting attention from personal achievements to communal healing and justice.
  • The podcast articulates that true liberation involves acknowledging our complicity in systemic oppression and the need for collective responsibility.
  • Listeners are encouraged to examine their positions of privilege and leverage their influence for the benefit of marginalized communities.
  • Healing is portrayed as an interconnected process wherein the restoration of one individual contributes to the wellbeing of the entire community.
  • The prayer at the conclusion underscores the importance of seeking guidance in utilizing one's influence for the flourishing of all, rather than personal gain.

Links referenced in this episode:

Speaker A:

Turn your face toward God.

Speaker A:

A deep dive into Acts 3:11, 16 on the Daily Bible refresh with Dr.

Speaker A:

Brad Miller.

Speaker A:

Hello good people.

Speaker A:

Welcome to Daily Bible Refresh with Dr.

Speaker A:

Brad Miller.

Speaker A:

This is where we take a fresh look at the New Testament reading that is selected for this very day from the Revised Common Lectionary.

Speaker A:

That's a three year cycle of reading through the entire Bible.

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We're in year C of that cycle in the epiphany season and we read the selected verse from the New Testament only.

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We make the reading of the Bible understandable.

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We read from the message translation of the Bible relatable.

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We give you some points to ponder applicable.

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We give you an action step.

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We have a prayer.

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We do all that in under 10 minutes.

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It's all brought to you by our website, voiceofgod daily.com that is the home of a great resource, the ABC 1, 2, 3 Bible Study Guide.

Speaker A:

Our reading for the day is from Acts 3, 11, 16.

Speaker A:

We're reading from the message.

Speaker A:

The man threw his arms around Peter and John.

Speaker A:

Ecstatic, all the people ran up to where they were at on Solomon's Porch to see it for themselves.

Speaker A:

Turn to face God.

Speaker A:

When Peter saw that he had a congregation, he addressed the people.

Speaker A:

O Israelites, why does this take you by such complete surprise?

Speaker A:

And why stare at us as if our power or piety made him walk?

Speaker A:

The God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, the God of our ancestors has glorified his son, Jesus, the very one that Pilate called innocent.

Speaker A:

You repudiated.

Speaker A:

You repudiated the Holy one, the just one, and asked for a murderer in his place.

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You no sooner killed the author of life than God raised him from the dead and were the witnesses.

Speaker A:

Faith in Jesus name put this man, whose condition you know so well, on his feet.

Speaker A:

Yes, faith and nothing but faith.

Speaker A:

Put this man healed and whole right before your eyes.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Some powerful words from Paul there in this passage from Acts third chapter.

Speaker A:

Very powerful moment of healing and transformation and it speaks to contemporary issues and understanding of things like justice and healing and community responsibility.

Speaker A:

So let's get it.

Speaker A:

Let's get into some points to ponder here.

Speaker A:

One of is all about collective healing.

Speaker A:

The healing described here happened in a public space, a place called Solomon's Porch, a public area highlighting how transformation often occurs in community, not in isolation.

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In our progressive understanding, healing isn't just individual, but collective.

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When one person is restored to full participation in community, we all benefit.

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This challenges our individualistic approach to both wellness and justice.

Speaker A:

Another point to ponder is power dynamics and attribution.

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Peter immediately redirects attention away from himself and John, refusing to claim any personal power or piety in the healing that took place.

Speaker A:

And this offers a crucial lesson about privilege and platform.

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Those with voice or influence should use it to point toward justice and liberation, not personal glory.

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It's a model for allyship and solidarity.

Speaker A:

One more point.

Speaker A:

It's about systematic responsibility.

Speaker A:

Peter's challenging words about collective responsibility for Jesus's death aren't about inducing guilt, but about naming complicity in systematic harm.

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And today this might parallel our need to acknowledge how we participate in systems of oppression, even unconsciously.

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Healing begins with honest recognition of how we've contributed to such things.

Speaker A:

Here's your action step for the day.

Speaker A:

Examine an area where you have privilege or platform of voice.

Speaker A:

How might you use that position not for personal credit, but to create space for others?

Speaker A:

Healing and Liberation Consider one concrete way to share your access to resources or a voice or power with those who have been marginalized.

Speaker A:

Remember, like Peter, the goal isn't to center yourself, but to facilitate others full participation in community.

Speaker A:

We'll pray in just a second.

Speaker A:

I did want to lift up a resource that really I want you to take advantage of.

Speaker A:

It's called the ABC 1, 2, 3 Bible Study Guide.

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It really makes studying the Bible in your personal Bible study time as straightforward and easy as ABC 1, 2, 3.

Speaker A:

You need to pick it up.

Speaker A:

I want you to pick it up.

Speaker A:

You go to voiceofgodddaily.com it's free and it's for you.

Speaker A:

And while you're there, you can look at over the 800 episodes we have of the Daily Bible Refresh, which are there to edify you as well.

Speaker A:

Now let's pray.

Speaker A:

Oh God, you are the source of all healing.

Speaker A:

We live in a world of broken systems and wounded people where too often we mistake privilege for piety and power for worth.

Speaker A:

Help us see clearly our own participation in structures that harm and give us courage to name them honestly.

Speaker A:

Remind us that true healing isn't about individual success, but about collective liberation.

Speaker A:

Guide us in using whatever influence we have, not for our own glory, but for the flourishing of all.

Speaker A:

May we become people who, like Peter and John, point toward justice, stand firmly with the marginalized, and celebrate every step toward wholeness.

Speaker A:

Transform our communities into places where everyone can dance and the same joy is there as the one who was healed.

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Speaker A:

What a joy it is to be with you, my friends, here on the Daily Bible Refresh.

Speaker A:

It's a big part of my day.

Speaker A:

I hope it is a part of your day as well?

Speaker A:

Well, we're here every single day.

Speaker A:

We usually drop our episodes before 6am and so you can pick it up then.

Speaker A:

But please be with me again tomorrow.

Speaker A:

And bring a friend this time.

Speaker A:

My name is Dr.

Speaker A:

Brad Miller, and I'll see you tomorrow.

Speaker A:

Remember until then that God's loyal love doesn't run out.

Speaker A:

His merciful love hasn't dried up, it's created new every morning.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Daily Bible Refresh
Daily Bible Refresh
The New Testament Read Daily: Understandable, Relatable and Applicable

About your host

Profile picture for Dr. Brad Miller

Dr. Brad Miller

Rev. Dr. Brad Miller is a lifelong student of the bible as well as a pastor and radio/podcast host for over 40 years. He believes that the Voice of God does speak to people through consistent listening to the word of God through the audible reading of the bible.

Your Gift to The Daily Bible Refresh

The Daily Bible Refresh is provided FREE of charge to all who seek a daily dose of the word of God directly from the Holy Bible. Your gift supports Dr. Brad Miller's mission of speaking the audible word of the Holy Bible into 2 Million Ears by 2028. The suggested minimum gift is $5.00. A tithe of 10% of your gift will go directly to Urban Ministries in Indianapolis, Indiana USA.
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