Episode 802
Exploring the Divine Parent: Understanding God as Nurturer and Guide | Ep 802
This episode elucidates the essential themes of authentic living and spiritual growth as delineated in the reading from 1 Peter 1:17 through chapter 2, verse 3. We explore the portrayal of God as a nurturing parent, emphasizing the invitation to cultivate a mature relationship characterized by love and responsibility rather than mere obedience. The discussion delves into the liberation from an empty existence, critiquing societal constructs that hinder genuine connection and transformative living. Furthermore, we underscore the imperative of radical love, urging listeners to foster relationships that prioritize community care and confront harmful behaviors. As we reflect on these profound insights, I encourage each of us to identify and replace detrimental patterns in our lives with practices that embody authentic love and support for one another.
The "Daily Bible Refresh" is presented each day by Rev. Dr. Brad Miller who has a goal of speaking a bit of the bible into two million ears (one million people) in three years (2025-2028).
He is the author of "The A, B, C-1,2,3 Bible Study Guide" Free to you by clicking HERE.
Brad served as a local church pastor for forty years and has a background in radio and podcasting. Moreover, he is a life-long student of The Bible.
He believes in the words of Jesus that “scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21)
The "Daily Bible Refresh" is available seven days a week by 6:00 am ET. The episodes are no longer than ten minutes long and are...
- Understandable: A reading from the New Testament (usually the Gospel) selected from the Revised Common Lectionary using "The Message" translation.
- Relatable: You will have a couple of "points to ponder" from the text which will relate to your life
- Applicable: Every episode includes a way you can take action based on the reading
- A recommended resource to help you go deeper in biblical study and spiritual direction.
- A prayer for your day.
A companion resource to the Voice of God Daily Podcast is the “ABC Bible Study Guide” available by clicking HERE.
The "Daily Bible Refresh" is available every day at VoiceofGodDaily.com on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and all major podcast directories.
You can help Dr. Brad attain his goal of getting a bit of the bible into two million ears by subscribing to "Daily Bible Refresh" on Apple Podcasts, leaving a five-star rating, and writing a review. More importantly please share with your network of family and friends about the "Daily Bible Refresh".
Please make listening to the "Daily Bible Refresh" a part of your daily life.
Remember… “All scripture is God-breathed and useful”(2 Timothy 3:16)
An examination of the scriptural reading from First Peter 1:17 through 2:3 reveals profound insights regarding the nature of divine love and the transformative journey of the believer. The discourse begins with an exploration of God as a nurturing and responsible parent, emphasizing the need for a mature relationship with the divine that transcends mere obedience. This notion challenges the traditional perception of God as a distant authority figure, instead inviting individuals into a profound communion characterized by personal growth and spiritual maturity. The speaker articulates a vision of liberation from a 'deadhead, empty-headed life', which resonates poignantly in contemporary society, where consumerism and superficial values often overshadow genuine community and authentic living. Thus, the listener is encouraged to reflect on their own life and seek pathways that lead to more fulfilling and meaningful existence, aligning with the principles of love and community engagement.
Furthermore, the discussion delves into the radical love ethic presented in the text, which posits that authentic spirituality is contingent not merely upon correct belief systems but rather on the quality of one's relationships and commitment to the welfare of the community. The exhortation to 'love one another as if your lives depended on it' serves as a clarion call for active engagement and confrontation against societal malice, pretense, and envy—elements that often undermine communal harmony and individual growth. Through this lens, the podcast encourages listeners to identify and dismantle empty patterns in their lives, replacing them with practices that foster radical love and inclusivity, thereby contributing to the collective well-being of society.
In conclusion, the session encapsulates the essence of spiritual transformation as a holistic endeavor that encompasses both personal and communal dimensions. The actionable step provided—encouraging listeners to recognize and replace detrimental behaviors with nurturing practices—serves as a practical guide for embodying the principles discussed. Through prayer and contemplation, the audience is invited to engage deeply with the text and to seek divine assistance in their journey towards becoming mature lovers of justice and truth, ultimately fostering a community enriched by authentic love and mutual support.
- This podcast episode emphasizes the importance of daily Bible readings and reflections.
- The discussion highlights the concept of God as a nurturing parent who desires our growth.
- Listeners are encouraged to identify and replace empty patterns in their lives with meaningful practices.
- The episode focuses on the need for authentic living, challenging societal systems that promote emptiness.
- We are reminded of the significance of loving one another as a core aspect of spirituality.
- The podcast concludes with an invitation to engage in personal transformation and community care.
Links referenced in this episode:
Companies mentioned in this episode:
- Voice of God Daily
Foreign hello good people.
Speaker A:Welcome to Daily Bible Refresh with Dr.
Speaker A:Brad Miller brought to you by Voice of God Daily.
Speaker A:That is where you can find the ABC1, 23 Bible Study Guide.
Speaker A:Our free gift you@voiceofgoddaily.com this is the podcast where we read the Bible every day.
Speaker A:Our episodes usually drop before 6:00am Eastern Time and as a daily reading of the Bible, use the Revised Common Lectionary.
Speaker A:We're in year C of a three year cycle in the epiphany season we make reading the Bible understandable.
Speaker A:We use the New Testament only and we use the message translation of the Bible.
Speaker A:We make it relatable by giving you a couple of points to ponder and applicable.
Speaker A:I'll be giving you a action step to consider.
Speaker A:We have a prayer and we deal with that in under 10 minutes.
Speaker A:Our reading for the day, this very day is from 1st Peter 1:17 through chapter 2 verse 3.
Speaker A:Reading from the message.
Speaker A:You call out to God for help and he helps.
Speaker A:He's a good father in that way.
Speaker A:But don't forget he is also a responsible father and won't let you get by with sloppy living.
Speaker A:Your life is a journey and you must travel with a deep consciousness of God.
Speaker A:It costs God plenty to get you out of that deadhead, empty headed life you grew up in.
Speaker A:He paid with Christ's sacred blood.
Speaker A:You know.
Speaker A:He died like an unblemished sacrificial lamb and this was no afterthought, even though it was only lately at the end of the ages become public knowledge.
Speaker A:God always knew he was going to do this for you.
Speaker A:It's because of his sacrificial of his sacrifice Messiah, whom God then raised from the dead and glorified.
Speaker A:That you trust God.
Speaker A:That you know you have a future in God now that you cleaned up your lives by following the truth.
Speaker A:Love one another as if your lives depended on it.
Speaker A:Your new life is not like your old life.
Speaker A:Your old birth came from mortal sperm.
Speaker A:Your new birth comes from God's living word.
Speaker A:Just think, a life conceived by God Himself.
Speaker A:That's why the prophet said the old life is a grass life.
Speaker A:Its beauty is short lived as wildflowers grass dries up, flowers wilt.
Speaker A:God's word goes on and on forever.
Speaker A:This is the word that conceived the new life in you.
Speaker A:So clean house.
Speaker A:Make a clean sweep of malice and pretense, envy and hurtful talk.
Speaker A:You've had a taste of God now like infants at the breast.
Speaker A:Drink deep of God's pure kindness.
Speaker A:Then you'll grow up mature and whole in God.
Speaker A:A Great reading from First Peter First Chapter 17, 2, 3 All about authentic living, spiritual growth, transformation.
Speaker A:Let's consider some points to ponder.
Speaker A:One of them is this Divine Parent image.
Speaker A:I love it.
Speaker A:The text presents God as a good father, but through the progressive lens we can embrace the inclusive language and understand God as a nurturing parent and a loving mother and father who desires our growth, not some sort of a punitive authority figure.
Speaker A:The Divine Parent invites us into a mature relationship rather than demanding blind obedience.
Speaker A:Then there is liberation from empty living.
Speaker A:It talks about the deadhead, empty headed life I love that described here.
Speaker A:It can be understood today as liberation from things like consumerism, nationalism and other systematic forces that separate us from authentic living and community.
Speaker A:True transformation challenges us not just individual behavior, but it challenges societal systems that promote empty values.
Speaker A:Then there's the radical love ethic.
Speaker A:There's the call to love one another as if your lives depended on it.
Speaker A:Did you get that part?
Speaker A:It suggests that authentic spirituality is measured not by correct belief, but by the quality of our relationships and the commitment to community care.
Speaker A:This love isn't passive, but actively confronts malice, pretense, envy and hurtful talk.
Speaker A:Those are the things that damage community.
Speaker A:Here's your action step for the day this week.
Speaker A:Identify some empty pattern in your life.
Speaker A:Might be over consumption or harmful speech or something you do that is just not helpful or some way diminishes others and replace it with some new practice.
Speaker A:A radical love.
Speaker A:It might be sharing in some good things with somebody else, or inviting someone in your neighborhood to be in a conversation or practicing really good words of affirmation to others, or somehow examining your life to see how what you can do right now you can change it to impact those who are marginalized.
Speaker A:For instance, there's lots of things that you can do.
Speaker A:We're going to pray in just a moment, but it is a reminder that we are now into our 800 where this is our 802nd episode of the Daily Bible Refresh and Love it.
Speaker A:Love being with you.
Speaker A:And we have a gift for you to celebrate that.
Speaker A:It is called the ABC 123 Bible Study Guide.
Speaker A:You can find it@voiceofgoddaily.com it's there to help you.
Speaker A:We read the Scriptures every day, but you need to read the Scriptures on your own.
Speaker A:You know that and this will help you do it in a straightforward manner.
Speaker A:You can pick it up@voiceofgoddaily.com that's also where you can find the full catalog 800 episodes now of the Daily Bible Refresh and it's a lot great to have you here with us for that.
Speaker A:Let's pray.
Speaker A:Oh God, you are the source of transforming love.
Speaker A:We confess that we often cling to empty ways of living, seduced by consumerism, status, false security.
Speaker A:Things like that help us to taste anew your pure kindness that we might grow into communities of authentic love when we're tempted to settle for superficial change.
Speaker A:Remind us that true transformation is a soul deep thing and guide us into cleaning house not just in our individual lives, but in our communities and systems.
Speaker A:Nurture us like a loving parent, not to keep us dependent, but to grow us into mature lovers of justice and truth.
Speaker A:May we drink deeply from your wisdom until we overflow with life giving love for all in the spirit of continuous growth.
Speaker A:Amen.
Speaker A:Well, what a joy and a pleasure to be with you here at the Daily Bible Refresh.
Speaker A:I hope that you join me again tomorrow.
Speaker A:Hey, we're into 800 episodes now, well into it now.
Speaker A:So please be with me tomorrow.
Speaker A:Join me we drop these episodes usually before 6:00am Eastern Time, but they're available all the time at our website, voiceofgoddaily.com and invite a friend to come.
Speaker A:Until then, remember that God's loyal love doesn't run out.
Speaker A:His merciful love hasn't dried up, it's created new.
Speaker A:Every.